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  • Mahnoor Nadeem

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    Mahnoor Nadeem

    Mahnoor Nadeem, BSc., MACP (Cand.), Registered Psychotherapist (Qualifying)

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    Life can be a rollercoaster, and sometimes it feels like its’ ups and downs never end. In moments of doubt, frustration, and overwhelm, thoughts might race through your mind, questioning your choices or worrying about what’s next. You might be telling yourself that you’re not good enough, that things will never get better, or that everyone else has it all figured out. It’s okay not to have all the answers and often we can only access our own answers in the presence of a safe, uninvolved other.

    Enter me. I offer a safe space for you to explore in the presence of someone who is rooting for you and in your corner. This makes all the difference when it comes to feeling empowered to explore yourself and your difficulties and having the courage to experience your feelings. As a person of colour, I know how it feels to navigate two cultures and generational differences that can leave you feeling torn and disillusioned, and maybe gaslit when it comes to mental health. Seeking help and prioritizing your wellbeing is a sign of courage, not weakness. Reaching out is the hardest part but you have already made it this far! Let’s work together to figure this out, and build acceptance, self-compassion and confidence.

    Areas of Practice: Anxiety, Self-Esteem/Self-Worth, Education, Perfectionism, Career exploration, Young professionals, Students, Teens, Marginalized, Newcomers, South-Asian Community and More